Sunday, June 27, 2010

the wind

There are things about this trip I do not attempt to understand. These are the things under the direction of the Spirit. Don’t laugh, those promptings can powerfully direct life. “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” The word John uses for wind and spirit is the same word (3:8). He does that a lot with words meaning two things yet each meaning helps the readers understanding of the other side of that word. Stop trying to understand the decisions of some people according to what makes sense in your brain. It is the spirit that directs them, and it blows where it wishes. Without regard for what makes sense to our intelligence. This is why I say im not ready to come back to the states yet, even tho many people miss me and I miss American life so much. Im not done here. Not sure when I will be done. I guess I will know when it is time.

About 6 months before I came to Africa to immerse myself in a drastically different culture, I switched campuses. I didn’t understand it, but I felt called to attend the UW campus of Marshill even tho I had very little in common with the students there. Their struggles with campus life probably looked nothing like mine. I thought that was crazy. It turned out I was only able to attend that one for about a month. I guess God was testing me to see if I would follow his insane promptings. That strange affair probably had something to do with my readiness to live in Africa for a while, even with only 4 days notice for leaving.

So there are things that would only make sense if you were looking from the perspective of God on high overseeing the ages. It makes no sense if your goals in life are money or comfort. No sense at all.


  1. Tha't so true Julia!! Deep stuff. I love you and miss you and am so proud of you! We are praying for you!
    Your Cuz, Rach

  2. Had a chance to read quite a few of these posts today and catch up on your life!! Fascinating!! That's all I can say! Love you lots!
