Saturday, August 14, 2010

another update

Andrew has come here for several weeks. Let me back up and tell you why. Jon-Paul returned home safely and promptly became extremely ill. He lost a lot of weight and eventually went to the hospital. Various special doctors and others tried for several days to figure out what he had. A special disease doctor called him a puzzle. That’s not usually a good sign. Neither is seeing doctors in hasmat suites tending to a patient. But that’s what happened. Im glad to report they finally did figure out what was wrong. He has several parasites and his body reacted strongly to them because he is allergic to them. I doubt he will risk meeting those parasites again.

Bob is also sick, tho not nearly as sick as Jon-Paul was. he also does not know what disease he has yet. hopefully he will find out soon and get better quickly so that he can come back here. Whenever someone mentions bob, the others look hopeful as someone asks when he will come back.

We needed more people here. Thus, Andrew is here now. The first morning I found him sitting outside my door when I stumbled out sleepy eyed. He had been up most of the night with jet-lag. Btw, his hair is longer than mine. I chopped half my hair off a few weeks ago. It now ends at my chin level and is mostly blonde again. But his hair is long and there is so much of it that it sticks out from the top of his head towards the sides. Kinda funny looking actually. His first day here he experienced a thunderstorm and after seeing the toilets (or lack there of), built a makeshift toilet. Presently, he and Bryce are exploring the Kampala drinking scene. And they took the internet modem with them. Sigh.

The boat is mostly together as far as the structure. We lifted up the roofs last week. Now we tell the Ugandans that it has finished growing. Everyone is learning so fast. Carpentry, fiber glassing, planning, and most important to this line of work, problem-solving. I still have to repeat myself often, enunciating every word to be sure they understand. But that I can deal with.

I have decided to return home early. As in, on the 24th of august. When I heard how sick Jon-Paul was, I got myself tested for anything I could possibly have just to make sure I didn’t have some hidden disease ready to flair up as soon as I got home. Clean bill of health. Yay. But I am tired. A deep abiding fatigue no matter how much I try to sleep. This place isn’t very conducive to sleeping in in the morning either. Im tired of dealing, of being away from my family and friends. Of being here with a bunch of guys day in and day out. And Maureen, cant forget Maureen. But it just isn’t home. It cant be my home. People come here and say they leave their heart in Uganda or Africa. Im sitting here saying I left my heart in America. Seattle to be exact. I wanna go home now. It might be just for a break, but its time.

I thought it might be a good idea to change my ticket, then I rethought, then yes, then no. for several days I struggled with the pros and cons of this decision. I found the actual usefulness of fasting (just don’t do it the day your favorite food is cooked). I had people in America saying to come home. And people here practically begging me not to leave. But in the end I decided to actually take care of myself so that I can keep going in the long-term instead of sacrificing everything for the short term deadline. So I asked my bosses to co-ordinate with my parents to get me home soon. Its amazing what can be accomplished with a few phone calls if you have enough incentive. And getting their daughter home apparently was enough incentive for my parents. Ready Seattle? Here I come. Brown, blonde, and hopefully changed for the better. So if you want to see me, send an email or call when I get back.


  1. Interesting story . . . safe travels . .

  2. Count Joey, Avonlea and I in for that welcome home party!!

  3. bob; always is an interesting story with these people.

    matt; awesome, i cant wait. see you soon.

  4. will be so good to see you. Good for you...a definite needed rest. I am proud of you cuz. Way to go. Love you tons. Soon we shall have a date at your favorite restaurant.

  5. Julia:

    Looking forward to seeing you and hearing more of your adventure there. We are grateful to hear that you received a clean bill of health.

    BTW: from what I have read about those various invasive parasites that infest the soil and water of where you are, women are less susceptible to infestation than men for some reason. Maybe they should plan on an all-female building crew?

  6. Cannot wait to see you! Praying for safe travels and a lot of rest for you when you get home. You are incredible!!!

  7. Hope you get back safely and get lots of rest. Glad you're not sick.
