Sunday, April 11, 2010

second sunday

So today I went to a Ugandan catholic church. I woke up to singing, and I actually recognized the melodies. So I followed the call to the round church of saint luke’s down the street. I walked up the steps and stopped. There were literally no white people at all and it looked like standing room only. The woman nearest me saw my crucifix and took my hand, joining me into the circle. Nothing like the universal symbol for Christian; a cross, or a bible. No one else would proudly wear an image of the most shameful kind of death inflicted, except a Christian. So utterly foolish according to this world, but it helped me. So I sat thru a very friendly catholic service, an all black service. I realized just how unusual the appearance of my skin at this church was when my turn came to introduce myself. I stood up, said I was Julia from America and I could literally see the ripples of people turning at the sound of my accent. So I was the center of attention once again.

Oo, and I got to hold a cute baby during the service. It looked only a few weeks old at most, but it smiled at me. Its mother couldn’t speak much English so we had to communicate using smiles and hand motions. I asked how old the baby was and she gave me a blanket. I guess old sounds like cold…

And the rest of the day was just swimming at a public pool. I have decided I prefer swimming in natural pools. Cant put my finger on it, but something about public pools strikes me as wrong. Too bad I cant swim in the natural water here. Sigh. Stupid schitzomiosis.

Sugar cane is good, but very uncivilized to eat. Rip off a bit with your teeth, chew the juice out, then spit out the remaining fiber; very civilized. I like it.

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